Article marketing is an easy, safe and rewarding method that should be in everyone’s arsenal. Basically you write an article (a few hundred words) on the subject you want to promote then send this article to sites that publish it. You get links to your site from the article plus traffic.
One of the best known sites is and there are literally hundreds of article directories that accept and publish your content at no cost. And you can also approach the problem from the Squidoo point of view and publish a ‘lens’ - there’s a little more work involved but if you play your cards right there’s more in the reward.
Actual, visible results won’t happen with anything less than 10-50 unique articles depending on your niche so finding a fast way to get unique articles is of utmost importance. The best solution I found so far that I’m using myself is the Instant Article Wizard, a program that makes human-readable and content-rich articles on any topic you give it - a must have tool for anyone doing or looking to start article marketing.